
AVG Building Materials

Visitors' address

Hoogveld 20

6598 BL Heijen

Postal address

Postbus 160

6590 AD Gennep

Tel: +31 (0)485-551260


Opening hours

Monday - Friday 07:00 - 17:00 hrs

Our Team

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    Femke Hoegen

    Sales Building Materials

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    Jeroen van Heesch

    Operations Building Materials

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    Kees Hendriks

    Concrete technologist

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    Paul Beelen

    Operations Building Materials /

    Concrete technologist

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    Jessica van Beek

    Operations Building Materials

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    Theo Berns

    Back office Building Materials

By using the above-mentioned telephone numbers and/or email addresses, you can contact the right person. Should you be unsure which person to contact for your issue or service request, you can always use the general telephone number or email address.